Please, please, please!!!!
If you truly want Recolor to be relaxing, then please take away the snakes and dragons! Or-- if you must continue to put them on the daily free pages, at least put a "Delete" button on the page so that we who dont like looking at snakes and serpents dont have to see them lurking around in the coloring book as we look for other pages. Theyre frightening! I tried the current Delete button, but it only deletes the coloring that weve added to the page. I need a way to remove the page completely! Please!! Im removing a star until I hear from you, the designers of this app. I never heard from you from my first request. Please reply this time. Thank you.
I cant afford the monthly fee so I only do the free ones and I dont have time to do interactive part-- so, thats my status.
1. Nice choice of daily free pics.
Edit: Please stop with the dragons, sea monsters and scary animals for the free daily photos that youve posted lately. Theyre not relaxing at all. Put them in with the purchase pages.
2. Good variety of difficulty.
3. Nice choice of free colors, although a couple of free metallics would be great. A silver and a gold, maybe?
1. Instructions would be nice-- such as-- free ones become NOT free if you dont add some color that day. Also, I accidentally found more colors and "add your own colors" after working with Recolor for a couple of weeks. Would have been nice to know those things up front.
2. 5 free picture unlocks is very nice, but letting us have 5 free color unlocks would be great, too. Any possibility of that in the near future?
Still is a relaxing way to unwind. Thanks!!
Daffodil girl about Recolor - Coloring Book, v4.1.2